Short communication on bio-inspired design ideas for sanitation

I have been involved in a small project with Torben Lenau from the Technical University of Denmark about using bio-inspired design and exchange of ideas between an engineer and a biologist as a way of developing innovative ideas. In the study we focussed on developing...

Review paper on spider exploration behaviour

The journal Current Zoology (formerly Acta Zoologica Sinica) has just published a special issue on The Evolution of Mechanisms Underlying Behaviour’, partly inspired by the 2013 Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour’s Winter Meeting on the same topic. I...

Paper in Animal Behaviour on web repair behaviour

I am senior author on a paper in the May issue of Animal Behaviour. I am particular pleased with this paper as it is based on two undergraduate research projects carried out at the University of Oxford under my supervision. The first project carried out in 2010-11 by...

Online animal behaviour course

I have spent a considerable amount of time during 2014 developing an online introductory course to animal behaviour aimed at everybody interested in understanding and using evolutionary thinking to analyse some of the very fascinating behaviours expressed by animals....