by Thomas | Apr 9, 2014
I have kindly been invited by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciecnes and Letters (Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab) to give a public talk on my research on spider behaviour and web biomechanics. The talk will take place on Monday the 28th of April 2014 at...
by Thomas | Mar 26, 2014
I have been involved with a short study on the use of passive sun-tracking motion in plants in the development of automatic windows blinds and sun-wells. The lead investigator on the project is Torben Lenau from the Technical University of Denmark, who talked about...
by Thomas | Feb 1, 2014
Last year I followed the TFP (Teaching Fellowship Preparation) Programme at the Oxford Learning Institute, which I successfully completed by writing a teaching portfolio entitled ’Reflections of Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate and Continuing Education’. The TFP...
by Thomas | Dec 8, 2013
Thursday the 5th and Friday the 6th of December, I had the great pleasure of attending the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour’s Winter Conference 2013 in London on the Evolution of Behavioural Mechanisms. I went for getting ideas on my own research...
by Thomas | Nov 10, 2013
This Michaelmas Term I have been handed a number of additional responsibilities at the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education (OUDCE). The main new job is that I have been commissioned to develop and author an online course in Animal Behaviour at a...
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