Visit to DTU and giving a seminar on numerical biology

During the week Aug 12 – Aug 16, I visited the Technological University of Denmark (DTU) on an invitation from my long term collaborator Dr Torben Lenau from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. We discussed a number of ongoing and potential future...

Collaborative paper on impact behaviour of silk cocoons

I am co-author on a paper in the Journal of Experimental Biology on the impact behaviour of moth silk cocoons. The paper is part of then DPhil student Fujia Chen’s comprehensive study on the structure and material properties of a range of silk cocoons of...

Chapter in biomimetic book on self-organisation and self-healing

I have helped my collaborator Torben Lenau from the Technical University of Denmark with biological input to a chapter on the biomimetic potential of self-organisation and self-healing in nature. The chapter forms part of the book ‘Engineered Biomimicry, which...

New paper on behavioural flexibility in spiders

My last paper from my research at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama has now finally been published. The study has taken quite a while to get out. First because it took a while to find the right home for it (although I appreciate the useful comments...

Animal behaviour courses for the public in Oxford

This spring/summer I will be teaching two courses in animal behaviour aimed for the general public. Both courses are introductions to animal behaviour taught at a first year undergraduate level, which assume no prior knowledge of biology (a brief introduction to...