by Thomas | Apr 2, 2015
The journal Current Zoology (formerly Acta Zoologica Sinica) has just published a special issue on The Evolution of Mechanisms Underlying Behaviour’, partly inspired by the 2013 Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour’s Winter Meeting on the same topic. I...
by Thomas | Mar 18, 2015
I am senior author on a paper in the May issue of Animal Behaviour. I am particular pleased with this paper as it is based on two undergraduate research projects carried out at the University of Oxford under my supervision. The first project carried out in 2010-11 by...
by Thomas | Nov 30, 2014
I have published a brief communication paper on the (lack of) effect of experience in orb spiders ability to adapt to spatial constraints in Journal of Arachnology. The paper is a follow-up to my 2013 paper in Journal of Insect Biology that include data on 2nd and 3rd...
by Thomas | Nov 25, 2014
I have spent a considerable amount of time during 2014 developing an online introductory course to animal behaviour aimed at everybody interested in understanding and using evolutionary thinking to analyse some of the very fascinating behaviours expressed by animals....
by Thomas | Apr 9, 2014
I have kindly been invited by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciecnes and Letters (Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab) to give a public talk on my research on spider behaviour and web biomechanics. The talk will take place on Monday the 28th of April 2014 at...
by Thomas | Mar 26, 2014
I have been involved with a short study on the use of passive sun-tracking motion in plants in the development of automatic windows blinds and sun-wells. The lead investigator on the project is Torben Lenau from the Technical University of Denmark, who talked about...
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