Urban ecology of butterflies in Bangladesh

In recent years we have seen a growing understanding and appreciation of the role that town and cities can play in preserving biodiversity if the green areas are managed appropriately. Recent studies show that this is true even in the densely population megacities in...

The fascinating webs of the cave orb spider – new paper out

It was the account in the literature of the intriguing modifications of the standard orb web in the tetragnathid cave orb spider Meta menardi that first got me interested in subterranean biology back in 2016. I was therefore very pleased when I managed to attract an...

Student paper on prey capture in Metellina mengei now out

An undergraduate project on edge effects in prey capture of Metellina mengei (family Tetragnathiae) in Wytham Woods near Oxford by Madeline Richards, has now been published in Animal Biology. The study builds on a previous study of web geometry, and finds that neither...