Awarded a Royal Society International Exchange grant

I have been fortunate to be awarded a small Royal Society International Exchanges grant together with my Panamanian collaborator, Dr Dumas Galvez, from the University of Panama. The research project build on work I did during my postdoc at the Smithsonian Tropical...

Special issue on Spider Ecology and Behaviour

I’ve recently been appointed Section Editor for the journal Insects (which have just been awarded a new impact factor of 2.769) and have now been asked to act as guest editor (together with Dr Dumas Galvez from the University of Panama and the Smithsonian...

Editorial board member of Insects

I’m very pleased to have been appointed editorial board member on the open access journal Insect (IF = 2.2) in their Section Board for ‘Other Arthropods and General Topics’. Insects is general journal covering all topics relating to entomology...